Monday, May 4, 2015

Blog post 9

After talking to a important coordinator Brian mansell who told me  that the redwood city middle school league started but they don't have enough referees for the games. i decided to change my project and volunteer to ref with 2 other friends. we will not be receiving pay for this, we volunteered to ref all the games we could on Mondays and Wednesdays for the middle school league so that school can have a good season just like how we did in middle school. For my final project i will have a power point presentation with pictures and an interview with one of my friends who is also volunteering to ref. This affects our community in a positive way because young kids will be ale to enjoy playing soccer and representing their schools, this is somewhat similar to my old idea but this is better for the community of not only fair oaks but all of redwooc city.

Monday, April 27, 2015

blog post 8

  • i have to put the pictures together into a presentation and also find a way to make a video out of pictures using the interview quotes. something getting in the way is that i have no idea of how to put this all together.
  • i will make a power point presentation and share it with the class, at first i wanted to make a video but i was not able to record any good footage . i also did not have anyone helping me while this whle thing was going on so it made it harder for me to do this.

blog post 7

  • feedback was helpful in general, it helped me organize things different and see a different perspective. even tho i was not able to get a video of what was happening i was able to get many pictures and interview parents.

blog post #6

  • One thing what was out of control was that i would not be able to record any video because of setting everything up. it was too much,
  • the games went really well and smooth after a while and i thought there would be more problems just in general

Friday, March 27, 2015

blog post 5

It was hard for me to sit down and actually commit to making steps because it is hard for me to write out in words what my plan is and to organize my thoughts.
Step 4 and 5 were unrealistic considering the amount of work I had to do for them and the time in my schedule.

Wednesday, March 4, 2015

blog post 4

My greatest challenge for this project is probably getting kids to go out to play and their parents being happy, it would be just capturing the whole thing in a video, there will be a lot going on and i might be worried that i don't know what to record or something cool happens when i am not recording and really anything can go wrong with what i am trying to do. i think i will need help with recording everything then choosing what will be important for my video, that will also be very nerve wrecking. also i will need to find time to work on this outside f school, around soccer and work and homework which will be stressful.

Tuesday, February 10, 2015

Blog post 3

the process of deliver my pitch was very short it took me a little while to think of what to say and also practice it, i feel like i could have added some evidence and for my project i might change a few things like bringing the parents out to watch the kids play and think more about players who are in a bad mood before playing.